Polymer expertise for your new medical developments.
Highest demands on robustness and functionality.
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Clean room conditions, validated processes and the processing of high-tech materials are part of the requirements that medical technology places on the production of plastic parts.
Certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485, PEZET meets these requirements and offers further attractive services for manufacturers from the medical industry with extensive quality control, automation and robotics as well as component assembly and packaging in the clean room.
By localizing engineering, production and logistics in Germany, PEZET supports the medical industry in its efforts to shorten supply chains and simplify optimization initiatives. In addition, take advantage of our polymer expertise for your new developments.
Typical applications are: medical devices, dental technology, instruments for minimally invasive surgery such as for diagnostics, kyphoplasty, tracheostomy and many more.
The electronics industry is PEZET’s area of expertise. We have decades of experience in this field, with regard to the special requirements for plastics and components. Every component in electronic devices has its own special requirements in terms of material, functionality and design.
Our engineering know-how, in particular thin-wall technology, in conjunction with our extensive range of printing and labeling options, as well as component assembly, are put to versatile use here.
Typical areas of application are: Building services engineering, control engineering, time switch technology, safety engineering, sensor technology and many more.
Mechanics is the cornerstone of mechanical engineering. Mechanical components face great challenges: On the one hand, they should be robust and durable, on the other hand, weight reduction and CO2 savings are required and this under high cost pressure. Used correctly, plastic can be the solution here.
In many cases, metallic materials can be replaced or combined with plastic. Our experienced engineering team and extensive manufacturing capabilities offer extensive options here.
Typical areas of application are: Textile machines, water treatment, conveyor technology, building services, drive and gear technology and many more.
In the world of pneumatics and fluid power, components are in constant motion and subject to varying pressures. Pneumatic applications are highly functional and thus place high demands on the robustness and function of plastic parts.
PEZET is already happy to contribute to the development of polymer-based pneumatic components. Our knowledge of new materials, their special properties and optimum processing in injection molding gives our customers the desired innovative edge.
Typical areas of application are: Mechanical engineering, compressed air control and preparation, control technology, drive technology and many more.